Attempt #1 (2021)

Last year was the first attempt. Some successes, discoveries and inspirations, as well as frustrations and exasperations.   
A few things survived into real life, but it's time to start the clock again and bring a few others on the ride.
Discovery: Traditional fruit and veg on display and almost no plastic. Yet since it was not on my regular route Riverford veg boxes with minimum packaging became my staple. 
Inspiration: I was excited to find   loose tea in metal caddies, but in the end clipper tea in non-plastic packaging (and crucially no plastic in the tea bags) was a more convenient option. Still these are lovely leaves when I'm in the mood for a slow cup of tea. 
Success: If you take your own boxes to the deli counters of most supermarkets they will put the produce straight into your own reusable containers.  I have to admit this is not something I managed very often but am planning to rekindle this again this year.  
Inconvenience: how to replace daily contact lenses? I made an effort to recycle the small plastic pots but each day I throw away the plastic contact lens itself. Time to wear glasses or shift to monthly lenses? 
Frustration: when all you need is a loaf of bread..but it comes wrapped in plastic. I mainly make my own bread but there are sometimes when you've run out and packed lunches need to be made. Even in a farm shop the bread too often comes encased in packaging. 

Meet the team (2022 #Attempt 2)