Meet the team (2022 #Attempt 2)

The Tindall Tribe: Charlotte, together with her husband Pete and two daughters, live in rural mid Devon.

As we live down a bumpy track, we have to drive or cycle everywhere with no shops in walking distance. There are efforts with a small veg patch but we mainly appear to feed the snails and slugs. Both Pete and I work in the sustainability sector: one daughter is a staunch environmentalist while the other is going to take some convincing to give up hula hoops. We also have chickens, dogs, guinea pigs and a cat partial to a whiskers pouch. Last year we trailed our first plastic free month: a few things survived into real life, but it’s time to kick start the challenge again and bring a few others on the ride.

Lucy & Family – Lucy and Andy have three daughters, 15 chickens, 2 dogs, 2 cats and a horse live in semi-rural East Devon.

We live on a small homestead between two villages in Devon, one with a small village shop. We have a large veg patch that we are semi-successful with. Like many, we have made easy swaps for more environmentally friendly living but there is so much more that we can do. We’ve both worked in sustainability businesses. Although daunted by the challenge we’re looking forward to see how far we can reasonably take this. Crisps will be our nemesis.

Ali & Co – Ali and her husband live in urban Exeter with their daughter.

We live on the edge of a city, with easy access to zero waste and other outlets including a farm shop just opposite. As a household of three (two adults and a teenage daughter) it should be easier to cut down our plastic waste. After all I have only two other people to convince! However, working as a pharmacist I have a daily reminder of the plastic offered up by my own profession….HRT patch, multivitamins, medicine packaging.


Week 1 (2022) #Attempt 2


Attempt #1 (2021)