Week 3: No Plastic Challenge (2024)

Week 3 


Refilled washing liquid, hand soap & shampoo at the bakery in Crediton so feeling quite chuffed (However, spot the plastic packaged cereal in the background, knowing that I probably could have switched to refill cornflakes for one month).

Remembered the refills at Mole Avon and stocked up on frozen pastries in my own container and delighted to find refiles of Bombay mix as a cheap plastic-free replacement for crisps. These dispensers are also really great and quick, the only danger is getting a bit more than your bargained for!


Ordering a coffee forgot to bring a reusable cup and…. oh dear too late to ask for no lid. Remind myself I should not leave the house without pots, cups & glass milk bottles. Perhaps I could design a box to go in my car with all the jars & pots neatly organised? I feel this is an opportunity for someone to market something funky & appealing that might make me want to go refill shopping.


Week 4: No Plastic Challenge (2024)


Week 2: No Plastic Challenge (2024)